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THANK YOU! ....the amount of $1500 (US) was raised for this event | ||
Πως παρουσίασαν την εκδήλωση τα ![]() |
Αγαπητά Κροκεάτες, φίλοι/ες To κύριο μέρος της συναυλίας θα αποτελείται από το μελοποιημένο ποίημα " Στον Ρομπερτ Οπενχαΐμερ " (εφευρέτη της ατομικής βόμβας) του συμπολίτη μας ποιητή Νικηφόρου Βρεττάκου, του εθνικού ποιητή της αγάπης και της ειρήνης. Σας ευχαριστούμε και ευχόμαστε να σας δούμε στην συναυλία. |
Dear Krokeates and friends The Laconian Forum in collaboration with the Hellenic Congress of Quebec and the Hellenic Community of Montreal, Canada, is organizing a "Peace" concert to take place in Montreal on November 20, 2009. Proceeds of the event will be used for the financial assistance of the Greek Elementary School "Socrates" of Montreal. The concert will feature the poem -set to music- "To Robert Openheimer " (father of the atomic bomb) by our poet the Krokean Nikiforos Vrettakos, the poet of peace and love for the environment and for humanity. In response to the appeal for financial support by the organizers of the event and after a telephone conference on October 12, 2009, we the members of administrative council of Krokeai Society, US and Canada with pride in support and cooperation with the Krokean Association of Montreal who actively involved with this project, have unanimously decided to sponsor the event /concert with the amount of $1000. We also have decided to make an appeal via our web site ( www.krokeai.org or .com ) and E-list to you Krokeates, Lacons, Greeks and Philhellenes and ask for your personal contribution to this worthy cause. All contributions received will be added to our society's contribution. If you would like to contribute, please fill out the special form ( provided here ) and return it to us along with your check before November 10, 2009 Thank you for your support and we hope to see you at the concert The executive councilDr. John Merianos - president, Kostas Anagnostakos-1st vice-president, Pavlos Lintzeris -2nd vice-president, George Theodorakos-treasurer, Dimitri Katsetos - secretary. |
κλίκ εδώ για Εισητήρια |
100 χρόνια - Ελληνικά σχολεία στο Μόντρεαλ Montreal's Greek schools are celebrating their 100th anniversary this year |
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THANK YOU! ....the amount of $1500 (US) was raised for this event
Πως παρουσίασαν την εκδήλωση τα " Τα Ελληνοκαναδικά Νέα"
Krokeai Society, USA & Canada - Σύλλογος Κροκεατών Αμερικής Καναδά |