Kosovo Needs Your Help

by Stella L. Jatras
THE AHEPAN - Winter 2006-07

"A Ray of Hope for Kosovo," (Fall 2006) by Chrysoula Economopoulos is a fitting tribute to the wonderful work of the Decani Monastery Relief Fund and Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes. But all will be lost if the ongoing pressure within the UN to grant
independence to Kosovo is successful. That is why I call upon all Orthodox Christians not to let that ray of hope for Kosovo be extinguished.

Before I begin, I must put things into
perspective. What the Wailing Wall is to
Jews, what the Vatican is to Roman
Catholics, what Mecca is to Muslims,
Kosovo is to Serbian Orthodox Christians. It is Serbia's heart and soul. Now, due to the continuation of a flawed US foreign policy, if granted independence, Kosovo will become another terrorist-controlled rogue state and those few Serbs who remain will be condemned to once again live under their Islamic masters and tormentors.

As someone who has followed and
written about the events in the Balkans
for over a decade, I would like to impress upon all readers of The AHEPAN how dire and serious the situation is for our
Serbian Orthodox brothers and sisters inKosovo.
Please understand that the Serbs were
once the majority in Kosovo until Hitler's
Nazis ethnically cleansed hundreds of
thousands of Serbs from the region in
World War II. More Serbs were driven out of Kosovo by Communist Dictator Josip

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Broz Tito, who, in his hatred for Orthodox
Christian Serbs, encouraged Albanians to
cross illegally into Christian Kosovo. "One
of the first acts of Josip Broz Tito, who was
half Croatian and half Slovenian, was to
pass a law March 6, 1945, prohibiting
Serbs who were expelled from Kosovo-
Metohija from returning to their homelands."
(Courtesy of the Serbian Unity
Congress. Complied in 1993.)
Former-UNPROFOR Commander, Canadian
Major General Lewis MacKenzie summed it
up best when he wrote, "The Kosovo-
Albanians have played us a like a
Stradivarius. We have subsidized and indirectly
supported their violent campaign for
an ethnically pure and independent
Kosovo. We have never blamed them for
being the perpetrators of the violence in
the early '90s and we continue to portray
them as the designated victim today in
spite of evidence to the contrary. When
they achieve independence with the help
of our tax dollars combined with those of
bin Laden and al-Qaeda, just consider the
message of encouragement this sends to
other terrorist-supported independence
movements around the world."
The Wall Street Journal Europe reported
on 1 November 2001 of al-Qaeda's
Balkan Links, writing, "For the past 10
years, the most senior leaders of al-Qaeda
have visited the Balkans, including bin
Laden himself on three occasions between
1994 and 1996. The Egyptian surgeon
turned terrorist leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri
has operated terrorist training camps,
weapons of mass destruction factories
and money-laundering and drug-trading
networks throughout Albania, Kosovo,
[FYROM] Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey and
Bosnia. This has gone on for a decade."
There are some in Congress today, along
with the pro-Albanian media, who are
working to cede Serbia's Jerusalem to
indicted Muslim terrorists who have
achieved high government positions in
Kosovo, such as Agim Ceku, the former
Kosovo Liberation Army commander who
has been linked to two of the grisliest
episodes of brutality in the war in the former
Yugoslavia. During his trip to
Washington, Ceku, who now carries the
title of Kosovar prime minister and who
seeks to gain full independence from
Serbia, recently met with Secretary of
State Condoleezza Rice. If independence is
granted, Kosovo will become a mini-Iran, a
haven for Islamo-Fascist terrorists.
President Bush said after 9/11 that we
would do whatever it takes to defend our
country against Muslim terrorists, yet we
denied the Serbs the right to defend themselves
against the same Muslim terrorists
that we are fighting today.
But you can help. Where there once
was no hope at all, there is today another
"Ray of Hope for Kosovo," through the
American Council for Kosovo at
www.savekosovo.org. There, you will find
more information on what is happening in
Kosovo, and most importantly, how you
can contact President Bush and your
members of Congress to "Say NO to
Kosovo Independence!" The DVD documentary,
"Days Made of Fear," reviewed in
the summer issue of The AHEPAN is also
featured on the Web site, as well as a
copy of the letter to President Bush from
Bishop Artemije of Kosovo (who addressed
AHEPA leaders at the Governor's
Conference in Washington, D.C.), and
other critical information.

32 THE AHEPAN Winter 2006-07 www.ahepa.org

Krokeai Society, USA & Canada  - Σύλλογος Κροκεατών Αμερικής Καναδά